Action Centred Leadership™ or ACL® has been developed by Professor John Adair to become one of the best known leadership models in the world. Organisations worldwide use it to develop their leadership capability and management skills because it is both practical and highly effective. Our Action Centred Leadership courses are focused, practical and immediately effective at developing the skills and understanding to deliver outstanding leadership at all levels in an organisation.
What is the ACL Clinical Team Leadership Development Programme?
It’s a compact programme designed to deliver more effective clinical team leadership. Leadership is the Captain of the Ship, setting the direction of travel and making sure you get to your ultimate destination. It is complimentary to and different from Management. Your Clinical Team Leaders will identify the crucial differences between Leadership and Management and the different focus and skills that each require of them.
It’s about Leadership Skills.
Skills are always the application of knowledge. It is not enough for Clinical Team Leaders simply to know what Leadership is, they also have to be able to do it, to apply that knowledge in specific circumstances. More than that, they need to understand exactly how and why what they do works. They will learn the knowledge, skills and understanding of Clinical Team Leadership which comes from practice over time and be able to apply those lessons back into your organisation immediately.
It’s about Development.
Development is a progression from one state to another. Development should follow a carefully designed sequence where one stage builds on the foundations of the previous stage. Your Clinical Team Leaders will develop their Leadership by progressing from the simple activities to complex exercises, from the general principles to the specific application, from the familiar to more challenging Leadership experiences – a proven way for them to learn effectively and thoroughly.
It’s a carefully designed and proven Programme.
A Programme is a series of complimentary activities that collectively lead to a planned and pre-determined outcome. Your Clinical Team Leadership Development Programme will take your Clinical Team Leaders through a series of preparatory steps, followed by exposure to practical learning based upon experiences, and supported by sound Action Centred Leadership theory and consolidated by planned and evaluated application of their learning. They will be provided with systems of support to enable them to apply their learning back in the work place to achieve outcomes you can clearly measure.
Programme Details.
Our 6 day Action Centred Clinical Team Leadership Development programme is a complete design giving you everything you need to develop your Clinical Team Leaders right now. We have the experience and expertise to design something that will meet your specific needs, that will come within your budget, and will deliver a complete programme. We will include:
- A pre-briefing for your Clinical Team Leaders and their Clinical Directors/Service Delivery Leads/line managers, so that your Clinical Team Leader learning is planned, supported and grounded in your organisation.
- Organised feedback and pre programme meetings between the Clinical Team Leader and Clinical Director/Service Delivery Lead/Line Manager, so that everyone is engaged in the programme.
- A residential or non-residential development course specially designed to introduce Action Centred Leadership (ACL) and provide practical opportunities for learning about what works, why and how.
- Ongoing learning reviews to give space for reflection and to consolidate learning.
- Action plans to translate key learning into specific actions back in the workplace.
- A follow up coaching session for each Clinical Team Leader to help them to think through their learning and to support them to apply it in the workplace, particularly when things start to get complicated.
- Application projects for them to work on together as small teams to increase the impact of the programme on your organisation.
- A post programme de-briefing review to consolidate learning and to increase engagement and support after the programme.
- An evaluation report that will provide you with evidence of the impact of the programme on your service for you to use to demonstrate ROI.
- A copy of “Effective Leadership” by John Adair for every Clinical Team Leader who attends to remind them of the key knowledge they gained from the programme.
- We’ll also apply to the RCP for CPD points for your programme.
We passionately believe, and can prove, that leadership training gets results and that together we can make a real and lasting difference in the NHS. Call Jude now on 0800 840 4122 to find out more. Jude can also put you in touch with one of our Clinical Team Leadership experts. With them you can discuss in confidence specifically what you need to develop better team leadership in your organisation. Alternatively, please fill in this enquiry form giving us your name and a direct line phone number and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
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