Courses for Doctors

Our courses are designed to build leadership capability at all the different levels within the NHS. We design and deliver courses for Consultants, SAS and Higher Specialist Trainee Doctors. We will apply to the RGP and seek CPD points for delegates if appropriate. Please click on the course title to find out more.

Consultants and Senior Doctors

Strategic Leadership for DMEs and Heads of Schools

Leadership for Senior Doctors

Clinical Leader Development Programme

Educational Supervisors

Leadership for Educational Supervisors

Clinical Team Leadership Development Programme

Registrars, SAS and Training Grades

Demonstrating Clinical Leadership a Practical Course for Registrars

All doctors

Clinical Team Leadership Development Programme

Reflective Practice Masterclass

For all of our courses we provide Certificates of Attendance, and Reflective Templates to support ongoing learning and development, both of  which provide CPD supporting information for appraisal and re-validation purposes.

These successful courses receive excellent feedback.

To book a course for your area , please get in touch by calling +44 (0) 800 840 4122, email us at [email protected] or fill out our contact form.