Leadership Testimonials

Below are just a few of the many comments we have receive from satisfied delegates on our Leadership courses:

“I don’t think the seminar could be improved. I thought the facilitators Mike and Janet were excellent.” Senior Manager, HMRC

“I would highly recommend this course to anyone, but must also mention the excellent and highly professional way Mike ran the course over the 3 days.” Medical Sales Representative, Astra Pharmaceuticals

“I would just like to say thank you for facilitating our session yesterday. It went better than I thought with our team leaders accepting the strategy.” B.L. HR Manager, (company name withheld)

“We have finally completed our Estate Manager Training Programme! Over 160 training sessions spanning 7 months… I think it is fair to say that we could not have achieved this without your expertise, advice and patience. To summarise, your efforts have been a significant contribution to us achieving our objectives over the last 12 months.” S. F. Regional Manager, Housing Services, Hanover Housing Association

“In his speech the MD said there had been a turnaround in the quality of the presentations – from last year when they were, without exception, poor, to this year when they have been, without exception, good and in some cases excellent – not just the presentation but the commercial/business focus. He thanked the team and asked me to pass on his personal thanks to you. Just thought you’d like to know.” C.C., Project Team Leader

“Mike, you are very skilled at what you do and the job you did during that week was excellent… The course has paid off and it is very apparent in my work.” C.R., Avis Rent A Car.

“Building the Best Team: I had nothing but compliments…those who attended definitely benefited.” D.D. Business Manager, Enterprise Link

“Just a quick note to thank you… Having spoken to the delegates it is clear that they derived a tremendous amount of benefit from the two days and they are universally positive about the way the event was structured and delivered. Your own training and facilitation skills came in for particular praise!” D.W. Manager, Systems R & D, Lloyds Bank Commercial Services.

See more comments from managers and trainers.